LED is called Light Emitting Diode as full name.it is a solid semiconductor devices, which can be converted directly electricity to light.
LED's the core is a semiconductor.Each end of the wafer is attached to a bracket, one end is cathode, the other end connected is positive pole. Then the whole chip is encapsulated by ethoxyline resin.
Semiconductor chip consists of two parts, one part of P-type semiconductor, here is mainly electron hole.the other side is N-type semiconductor, here is mainly electronic. But when the two semiconductor connect together,there it form a "P-N junction" between them. When the current through the wire act on the chip, the electron will be pushed to P zone electron hole recombination, and then will be issued in the form of photon energy in the P area, this is the principle of LED light.
The wavelength of light which is the color of light is determined by the material form a P-N junction of the decision,different material of P-N junction can spray different color light.